A downloadable game for Windows

Use the ability to jump backwards in time and cooperate with a ghostly echo of yourself to complete a series of button- and door-based tests.

This was my first ever entry into a game jam and also the first game I have ever made that could be said to be "finished". There are a number of known issues and not quite as much content as I would have wished, but I am still very happy with the result and think the core mechanic could be interesting to tinker with in the future.

The game was made in the Godot engine using GDScript.

Known Issues: The last few levels are missing wall decorations. There are some consistency issues with the echo mechanics and your echoes do not work well with carried objects. Some objects do not have sounds, notably the elevators, doors, and characters. I had an unusual crash when compiling in release mode so the final .exe is a debug release.

Music: Magic Scout Cottages by Kevin MacLeod. Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4672-magic-scout-cottages. License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license


echo_location.exe 79 MB

Install instructions

Just run the .exe to play the game. Enjoy!

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